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Monday, April 9, 2012

UCam Ultra Camera v1.1.7.040602 apk download

UCam Ultra Camera v1.1.7.040602 apk Requirements: Android 2.2 + Overview: UCam, your ultra camera, the only camera you need. UCam is an absolutely ultra camera application, it -1. Support more than 30 software/hardware camera parameters to make sure high quality picture/video. 2. More than 60 capture scenarios help you to be a shining star on magazine, billboard...

Boat Browser Mini v3.2 apk download

Boat Browser Mini v3.2 apk Requirements: Android 2.1 + Overview: Boat Browser Mini is a fast,clean and ease of use android browser.Boat Browser Mini is a fast, simple and pretty web browser, which will bring you better user experience on Android. - UI is simple, clean and easy to use - Speed dial homepage, which can be replaced by yourself homepage - Quick to start...

TSF Shell Theme Black v1.1 apk download

TSF Shell Theme Black v1.1 apk Requirements: Android 2.2+ Overview: New Black theme for the TSF Shell.This stylish and practical issue of the gloss and metal with clear readable icons. (See screenshots) --THIS THEME WILL NOT OPEN DIRECTLY FROM THE ICON OR MARKET AFTER DOWNLOADING - YOU MUST APPLY IT THROUGH TSF SHELL (WHICH CAN ALSO BE FOUND ON THE ANDROID MARKET)*** TSF...

Lucky Patcher v1.1.11 apk download

Lucky Patcher v1.1.11 apk Requirements: Android 2.1+, Rooted device Overview: You can use this patcher to break some apps' Android Market License Verification.Change log: (google translate) ~ Adapted from the menu patch; ~ Cosmetic changes; ~ Fixed bug with the button to launch applications.Free Lucky Patcher v1.1.11 apkDownl...

Music Volume EQ v1.6 apk download

Music Volume EQ v1.6 apk Requirements: Android 2.3 + Overview: Enhance your music listening experience. Make it your Android™ sounds like never before.* MILLION installs in first month on the Market. Check out why. Music Volume EQ is a volume slider with live music stereo led VU meter and five band Equalizer with Bass Boost and Virtualizer effects. Improve sound...

FasterDownloads 1.7 apk download

FasterDownloads 1.7 apk Requirements: Andorid 1.6+ Overview: FasterDownloads is a DOWNLOAD ACCELERATOR that avoids Android's limitation when downloading files and gives you a much needed speed boost when you enable it's built-in Multithreaded Download!Note: Many file locker services with paid accounts block multithreaded downloads (Megaupload, FileSonic, Fileserve...)....

Flashlight Call Pro v2.2 apk download

Flashlight Call Pro v2.2 apkRequirements: Android 2.1+Overview: If you play a lot you should loveThis program is primarily intended for the hard of hearing but also for people without hearing difficulties. If you return your device to face against the ground, you cut the ring, You will be notified with the flash of the camera.Free Flashlight Call Pro v2.2 apkDownl...

Espier Launcher v0.6.4 apk download

Espier Launcher v0.6.4 apkRequirements: Android 2.2 +Overview: Espier launcher is a mobile phone/tablet PC desktop software based on Android 2.2 or above version.It brings you the new Android operating experience. For example, it's easy to operate shortcut icons, folders, and function switches. You can manage multi task and uninstall programs conveniently. Also the natural...

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