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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

ES Bookmark Manager Beta v0.9.93

ES Bookmark Manager Beta v0.9.93
ES Bookmark Manager Beta v0.9.93 apk
Requirements: Android 1.5+
Overview: Manage your shortcuts,bookmarks of the File Explorer and Browser,Music,Pictures

ES Bookmark Manager Beta v0.9.93ES Bookmark Manager is managing your shortcuts/bookmarks of the ES File Explorer and Internet Browser/Music/Pictures,...
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It's a new software, if you have any advice on it, please mail to us, to get a better V1.0
What's in this version:
ES Bookmark Manager Beta v0.9.93 apk
1) Fix bugs about bookmark name
2) Fix translation error
1) Search
2) Contacts
1) Seperated from ES File Explorer.
2) Import Music/Picture/Video
3) Import Bookmarks from the inbuilt Browser.
Free ES Bookmark Manager Beta v0.9.93 apk


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