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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Maze Raider v1.2.0

Maze Raider v1.2.0 

Requirements: Android 1.5 up
Overview: You are the RAIDER of the Maze. Your goal is to get all the golds in the maze. And the guards of maze will stop and hurt you. Please avoid the guards unless you get the big golds.

And then you have enough power to beat them.
It's something like the classic game, pacman, but, more controlable for android phone.Please try it and enjoy yourself. 
If you love PACMAN, I think you will love mazeraider too.
How to Play
* Fling left,right,up and down, you will turn the desired direction.

* Fling a tiny distance for better controlling.
* You can control by fling before you get the intersection. And then wait, the RAIDER will turn desired direction at the intersection. 

Maze Raider v1.2.0 


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