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Monday, July 11, 2011

Launcher 7 - Donate v1.0.0.95 android apk

Launcher 7 Donate v1.0.0.95
Launcher 7 Donate v1.0.0.95 android apk
Requirements: Android 2.1+
Overview: A Windows Phone 7 style launcher for Android.

Launcher 7 Donate v1.0.0.95Unlike other current WP7 launchers (Windows Phone Android, Metro UI), this one allows you to properly modify your start screen. Just long press on a tile and drag tile where you want!
- Ad-free
- 1x1, 2x1 and 1x2 tiles.
- tile bitmaps can cover the whole tile
- widgets on tiles
- tile reordering
- live contacts tile
- configurable animation parameters (soon)
- clock tile of sorts
- more animated tiles
- facebook integration
What's in this version:
-WARNING: GMail tile will be removed soon. GMail 2.3.5 will break the tile permanently and it can't be fixed
-Status bar in app index should no longer jump
-App index is now built from filtered app list
-You can now add web pages as tiles (only 1x1 for now, and only two page sizes available, and no, the page image will not auto-update itself)
Free Launcher 7 Donate v1.0.0.95 apk


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