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Friday, July 29, 2011

PhotoSpeak v3.4.3

PhotoSpeak v3.4.3
Requirements: iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.1 or later
Overview: PhotoSpeak™ can transform any portrait photo into a moving 3D avatar that
repeats your every word. You can make anyone come alive, just like the
talking wall portraits in Harry Potter’s Hogwarts castle.

PhotoSpeak v3.4.3
How to use the app
? Take a portrait photo or pick one from your photo library, and the face will
automatically start moving in 3D.
? Talk to it and it will repeat your every word.
? Record your moving 3D avatar as a movie.
? Download fun hairstyles, glasses, masks, and beards, and apply them to
your animated 3D avatar.
? Share your 3D movie with friends via email, Facebook, and YouTube.
Upload your new look to Twitter and Facebook, and use it as your Twitter
profile icon.

What's New in Version 3.3
- Simply talk to the image and it will repeat your word. You no longer have to
press the Record button. You can change the playback speed as well.
- Optimized for the retina display

PhotoSpeak v3.4.3


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