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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Battery Monitor Widget Pro v1.8.2

Battery Monitor Widget Pro v1.8.2
Battery Monitor Widget Pro v1.8.2 apk
Requirements: Android OS 1.5 - 2.3
Overview: Complete battery monitoring with notification icon, history, graphics and alarms
Special offer! Get it while it lasts!

Battery Monitor Widget Pro v1.8.2Lowest consumption battery monitor and widget showing capactity, charge/discharge (mA & mW), voltage, temperature and remaining time.
Shows %, temperature and mA in status bar using external packages.
Shows and saves history, shows scrollable/zoomable graphics, long-press for full-screen.
Triggers alarm based on battery full/charged or voltage and temperature levels.
To get battery % in status bar, go to settings, notification and alarms then select icon type 'external package'.
Lowest battery consumption on the market!
If you want only the notification icons/alarms, you can disable the graphics and history to reduce consumption even more!
Battery Monitor Widget Pro v1.8.2 apk
Wide widget can display any data, check settings.
Recommended by Motorola support team!
Not all phones supported:
- mA data may be desynchronized and/or estimated
- Some data may not be reported at all
Support for Motorola Defy and Atrix 1% reporting can be activated from Settings/Monitoring.
History browsing and/or backup/restore
Provide data to Process Monitor Widget
Traditional Chinese translation
Video tutorial!
NB: If you have a problem please email-me, bad comments won't help you or anyone else!
KW: battery widget current voltage temperature battery monitor power drain charge discharge graphic mA capacity multi function graph prediction estimation time
What's in this version:
Battery Monitor Widget Pro v1.8.2 apk
Fixed battery level on widget
Calibration specs manually updated are considered instantly
Free Battery Monitor Widget Pro v1.8.2 apk


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