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Friday, August 12, 2011

Push v4.0.75

Push v4.0.75

Push v4.0.75

Requirements: iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later
Overview: Push is an iPhone/iPod/iPad application that acts as a client for the Apple Push Notification Service. We support push for Twitter, GMail, Google voice, RSS, and more! We also support multiple accounts. multiple devices, and we do not consume your Twitter API calls. Use our ready-made Twitter, Gmail, Mail and RSS notification services to instantly receive new tweets, search results, emails, RSS feeds, or create your own custom notifications with our simple REST API.

Push v4.0.75
• all settings are in-app, and available on our website.
• check push latency from the application
• send yourself notification from the application, for test purpose
• silent hour / sleeping mode during specified hours
• Facebook notifications (you must bounce your facebook emails for this to
work), opens the Facebook iPhone app.
• Twitter DM in a second
• Twitter Public Timeline
• Twitter Public replies
• Twitter lists
• Twitter search on specified keywords, as many as you want!
• GMail notifications (Hint: we do not need your GMail credentials, isn't it
• RSS feeds notifications
• Mail address, everything sent to it is notified to you, and bounced to your
account email if you want to
• 17 different sounds available for notifications, you can define any service
with a different sound
• Full JSON/XML API to send yourself notifications, you can define
*everything* through the API, the button's value, what it does when you click
on it (open a browser,, just view the notification, etc), the sound,
silent mode or not, priority, a longer notification, etc.

We currently support the following Osfoora, Twitter client : BirdFeed,
Echofon, Echofon Pro, SimplyTweet, TweetDeck, Tweetie, Twinkle,
Twittelator, Twitterfon and Twitterrific. 

Push v4.0.75


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