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Saturday, December 31, 2011

GOSMSTHEME Ice Cream Minimal v1.4

GOSMSTHEME Ice Cream Minimal v1.4
GOSMSTHEME Ice Cream Minimal v1.4 apk
Requirements: Android 1.6+
Overview: This is a Blue Minimal Theme (inspired by Android 4.0/Ice Cream Sandwich) for GO SMS Pro.

GOSMSTHEME Ice Cream Minimal v1.4
This is NOT a standalone app, so download Go SMS Pro in the market if you haven't already done so.
1. Install GO SMS Pro (free & available in the Market)
2. Install this theme
3. Menu -> Theme (under General) -> Blue Minimal Theme
What's in this version:
GOSMSTHEME Ice Cream Minimal v1.4 apk
Updated to 1.4 on [December 3rd, 2011]
Corrected a small color issue when hiding contact pictures.
I just put up a matching Go Contacts Ice Cream theme, check it out! =)
If you have any concerns/comments/feedback/ideas then please email me & let me know =)
Free GOSMSTHEME Ice Cream Minimal v1.4 apk


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