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Saturday, December 31, 2011

iPhone Lock Screen Pro v1.7

iPhone Lock Screen Pro v1.7
iPhone Lock Screen Pro v1.7 apk
Requirements: Android 2.1+
Overview: Decorate your lock screen with awesome HD pictures and unlock the phone in iphone 4S style by sliding it. Stay updated for we constantly add new pictures.

iPhone Lock Screen Pro v1.7
How to Use:
1. Install the App.
2. Open it
3. Click on "APP SETTINGS"
5. Exit the App and you're done
iPhone Lock Screen Pro v1.7 apk
10 Beautiful images to choose from
Matching color Sliders
Loads of fun and awesomeness on the lock screen
You can also disable the home button by checking the option
The app has pictures of:
abstract backgrounds, maple leaf, koi fish aquarium, rainy day, sakura flowers, hearts, balloons, sky, snowfall, bubble and fireworks.
More themes of the lock screen replacement widget to be released very soon. Also stay tuned for our latest live wallpapers.
If you like this lock screen, please support us by installing our other live wallpapers and entertainment apps like:
Bubbles, Stars,hearts, flowers, birds, weed leaves, fish aquarium, flakes, balloons and the finger print security scanner
This app has not been tested on ICS
Stay tunes for soon to be released windows phone 7 lock screen also.
Wish you all merry christmas and a very happy new year.
All images used in this software product are owned by and are copyrights of their respective owners. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the content which may be accessed through use of the software is the property of the respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties. This EULA grants you no rights to use such content
What's in this version:
iPhone Lock Screen Pro v1.7 apk
Added Music Player on lock screen
Free iPhone Lock Screen Pro v1.7 apk


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