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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Go Launcher EX Neon Theme v1.2 apk download

Go Launcher EX Neon Theme v1.2
Go Launcher EX Neon Theme v1.2 apk
Requirements: Android 2.2 and up
Overview: This is a Neon Minimal theme for GO Launcher EX.
Go Launcher EX Neon Theme v1.2
This theme contains 100+ icons & counting!
Go Launcher EX Neon Theme v1.2
THESE ICONS LOOK BEST WHEN YOU SET THE ICON SIZE TO LARGE! (menu>preferences>visual settings>icons>icon size) They also look their best against dark backgrounds, & this theme contains the 4 wallpapers seen in the screenshots.
I take icon requests so please feel free to email me or leave a comment suggesting which app icons you'd like to see themed & I'll try to make it =)
This is NOT a standalone app, so download Go Launcher EX in the market if you haven't already done so.
1. Install GO Launcher EX (free & available in the Market)
2. Install this theme
3. Menu -> Themes -> Neon Minimal
Free Go Launcher EX Neon Theme v1.2 apk


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