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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Destination: Treasure Island 1.0.1

Destination: Treasure Island 1.0.1
Destination: Treasure Island 1.0.1
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.2 or later.
Description:Four years have passed since the end of the adventure recounted in Robert Louis Stevenson's novel.
Jim Hawkins has become an upstanding adventurous young man, attentive to those around him. Imagine his surprise when, one morning, he sees a parrot enter his bedroom window : none other than Captain Flint, Long John's own

Destination: Treasure Island 1.0.1Features:
- Retina HD graphics on iPhone 4
- A thrilling quest: Set out in search of the incredible treasure. The sequel of R.L. Stevenson's adventure: A tale that has fascinated millions of readers for years!
- A varied, exotic environment. Highly coloured and detalied graphics to give you a real taste for travel.
- A treasure trail: Danger at every turn, to keep you in suspense for hours.
- A innovative game system: An interactive inventory using object combinations and a new system of knot puzzles.
- Dozens of fascinating enigmas: Resolve them or never reach the treasure.
- Videos, voices and texts in english, french, german, spanish and italian languages
If you need some help in the game, you can watch our video walkthrough on our website :
* Destination: Treasure Island is very large application - more like a movie than a song or album - download and syncing can be longer. It's possible for the downloading/syncing to pause for up 10 minutes
* Because of the large size, it's preferable to download on you computer using iTunes, and then sync with your iPhone. Downloading directly to your device is possible via a wifi connection, but download times are longer.
* Because of the way iOS install apps, you will need to have about 1 Gigabyte of free space to install the game. Once it's installed you can use the extra space again.
Free Destination: Treasure Island 1.0.1 iphone ipa


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