LCG PhotoBook features:
- Photo viewer for mobile phone, image viewer for cell phone
- Software for symbian and windows mobile smartphones - pocket pc
- Facebook pictures uploader, picasa uploader, photobucket uploader and flickr uploader
- Easy create photo gallery
- Many supported images format such as JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF, animated GIF
- GPS tags opened in Google Maps Mobile or in mobile phone web browser
- Touch optimized picture viewer
- File management: delete file, rename file, create folder, copy file, move file
- Add images to contact
- Send image via: multimedia, bluetooth, infrared, post to web - Nokia Ovi (only on Symbian platform)
- Shows thumbnails in the current folder
- Zoom
- Show EXIF more details in list view mode
- Fast directory view: moving through directory
- Watch slideshow with time setup
- Show content of ROM/RAM drives (only on Symbian platform)

Language support:
Azerbaijan, Dutch, English, French, German, Chinese, Poland, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese, Arabic, Bulgarian, Finnish, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Persian, Ukrainian, Irish, Greek, Czech

Changelog :
2.10 - Added upload to Twitter and MySpace, Improved authentication for Google Picasa, Fixed description tag in upload to Facebook, Fixes in Albums Added feature to resize/rotate images before upload, Updated language packs, Several minor fixed and changes .