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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Reaction Game v0.5

Reaction Game v0.5Reaction Game v0.5
Requirements: PPC WM5 , WM6
Overview: A random button with a random size on a random position gets created with a random interval. It also disappears after a random amount of seconds, and the longer you play the game, all those random button will be smaller and show up/disappear quicker.

You have 5 lives, you loose one each time you click the background (miss the button) and each time you wait too long to click on it so it disappears. When you loose a total of 6 lives your dead.
I made sure you couldn't play the game easier (arrow keys to focus the button, etc.).
The highscore however is easy to edit but I'm not bothered trying to hide that as people will find a way anyway!
*Fixed the first button being the smallest all the time.
*Fixed buttons medium and hard not showing up after game over.
*Added difficulties. They differ in the time buttons appear and disappear, you also start off with a smaller size.
-Easy: 5 points each
-Medium: 10 points each
-Hard: 15 points each
*Fixed the bug that would keep the maximum time/size when playing for a second time.
*Fixed the crash with RandomNumber where max would go lower than min. 0diggs
Free Reaction Game v0.5 pocketpc cab


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