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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bigify+ v2.1

Bigify+ v2.1

Requirements: any iPhone or iPod with IOS 4 or later, iFile and any program to interact your computer with your iPhone Like This One
Overview: Bigify + allows you to make your icons larger or smaller, rotate your Springboard you can even add more or less transparency, you can add colors to the icons textures, to turn their colors, etc, 

Bigify+ v2.1
* Color
* Preview
* Number of manual input
* Save your preferences
* Invert Colors
* Tilt and
* 6 new textures
* Includes three predefined icon themes
* A customized with 28 different layer blend modes.
* Option to not affect spring
It also includes all the features of Bigify:
* Resizing icons
* Rotate icons
* Hide Icon Labels
* Transparency
* Flip Badges

Bigify + icon size option does not work when installed SBRotator.
No new icons are added to the home screen. Options are set from

Bigify+ v2.1


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