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Monday, July 25, 2011

FTP Browser v4.1

iPhone Screenshot 1

FTP Browser v4.1

Requirements: iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later
Overview: FTP Browser is currently the only iPhone, iPod, or iPad ftp web browser available. Simple and easy to use, it looks and
feels just like Safari while allowing you to browse any ftp server. From viewing pictures and streamingmusic, to emailing attachments
and even saving files directly to your iPhone, it provides you with all the tools you need to get to the files you want.

FTP Browser v4.1
* full-screen portrait or landscape viewing (tap the toolbar)
* auto full-screen in landscape mode
* streamlined, intelligent page rendering and formatting
* remembers your browsing path at logout or closing the app, making it easy to return right to where you left off
* ftp webpages are cached for much faster page loading and OFFLINE browsing
* just like firefox, you have sortable columns by file and directory, date, or size by ascending or descending order
* save any file to the iPhone itself to be viewed or emailed at a later time (up to ~160 MB for the 3GS)
* use your iPhone, iPod, or iPad like a USB drive - all files saved to your iPhone can be quickly and easily copied off onto your computer via iTunes file sharing
* real-time file downloading progress bar, download rate, and time remaining
* downloaded files page where you can open, email, rename, or delete downloaded files
* optimized downloaded file page for long file listings
* favorite ftp sites page for quick and easy access to and switching between frequently visited ftp sites
* included support for LAN addresses in the favorites page
* settings page for full customization! You can now set exactly how you want your browser to appear changing font size, type, colors, and more!
* quick-scroll sidebar for long lists
* path bar to keep track of your location, clicking it returns you to the root folder
* STREAM any music you want right to your iPhone (supported formats: mp3, wav)
* view iPhone compatible VIDEO (MPEG-4) from the downloaded files page (up to ~160 MB in size for the 3GS)
* view any picture in a full-screen photo viewer (supported formats: jpg, gif, tif, bmp, png, etc.)
* view any other iPhone compatible file right in the browser (text, html, pdf, doc, xls, numbers, pages, powerpoint, keynote, etc.)
* view .docx, .xslx, and any other Office 2007 formats from the downloaded file page
* email any file as an attachment
* nice quiet system sounds
* securely connect to any ftp server without disclosing confidential login information anywhere in your mobile safari browser

If you want a simple, easy, and secure way to surf any ftp server, FTP Browser is the app for you.

What's New in Version 4.1

Version 4.1:
*Increased timeout interval to 45 seconds as default.
*Updated copyright information.
*Improved help and information me


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