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Saturday, July 30, 2011

GoChicken v1.04

GoChicken v1.04
GoChicken v1.04 android apk
Requirements: Android 1.6
Overview: GoChicken constitutes a set of puzzles,and splited into 60 levels of increasing difficulty.

GoChicken v1.04Each puzzle consists of a set of chicks placed in the grids.
To solve a puzzle,you need to remove all chicks(but one) from the grids.
There are 150,000 unique puzzles,which guarantees that not two puzzles you encounter are ever the same.
— Simple yet challenging gameplay:fling a chick along a line into another one,causing the hit chick to roll off the board.
— Share the puzzle you are playing or you solved at anytime.
— Global high scores/leaderboards show you how you stack up.
— Challenge your facebook friends
Free GoChicken v1.04 apk


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