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Saturday, July 30, 2011

High Tech Lie Detector v1.0

High Tech Lie Detector v1.0

High Tech Lie Detector v1.0

Requirements: iPhone, iPod touch (2nd generation), iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), and iPad. Requires iOS 2.2 or later
Overview: Use the sophisticated High-Tech Lie Detector to find out the truth.

iPhone Screenshot 2
Completely fool your friends into thinking that you have an iPhone or iPod
with an impressive high-tech tool which detects lies.

High Tech Features:
- Pulse Analysis Graphics
- Amazing Sound Effects
- Cool new interactive control panel
- High quality audio FX

Be blown away by the realistic and movie like application, with many
advanced high-tech special effects and stunning realistic sound FX.

High Tech Lie Detector v1.0


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