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Friday, July 29, 2011

IntoNow v1.0

IntoNow v1.0
IntoNow v1.0 android apk
Requirements: Android 2.1+
Overview: Get more from TV! IntoNow is the best way to connect with your friends around the shows you love.

IntoNow v1.0"I was amazed to the point where I was dumbfounded" — MG Siegler at TechCrunch
Great reviews from TechCrunch, Mashable, Reuters, All Things D, VentureBeat and many more...
IntoNow makes engaging with your favorite TV shows easy, social, and fun. Just tap the green button when your favorite show is on and IntoNow will identify the show and episode; provide all data and links associated with it; and help you share on Facebook and Twitter. IntoNow also helps you see which shows you have in common with your friends — including whether they’ve seen the latest episode — and alerts you whenever you and a friend are watching the same show at the same time. Use it to discover new shows, discuss your favorites with your friends, and learn more about whatever you’re into now!
- Identify live TV, or anything that’s run on TV in the last five years, from your television, computer or mobile device.
- Get full episode and cast information.
- Receive notifications when your friends are watching the same episode or show.
- One-click access to IMDb so you can learn more.
- Add new friends using Facebook, Twitter, or “search by name.”
Free IntoNow v1.0 apk


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