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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Flash Custom Windows Phone 7 ROMs To Your HTC 7 Mozart

HTC 7 Mozart

Flash Custom Windows Phone 7 ROMs To Your HTC 7 Mozart

If you think that custom ROMs are a cool feature that are exclusive to Android, then think again. Windows Phone 7 users have a choice too. You just need to have a developer unlocked device, and a sound knowledge to look in the right places. If you have an HTC 7 Mozart for instance, you have quite a lot to choose from in terms of ROMs. But how can you flash a ROM to a device as uptight about security as a Mozart? There’s a way for it and if you want to know, read on.

The method has been worked out by recognized XDA developer, Casey_boy. Following are the requirements and instructions to achieve this.
  1. Your Mozart needs to have enough battery left to go through with the entire process (around 60%)
  2. Head over to this link and look for the ROM of your choice. Once you have decided which ROM you want, download it to your system.
  3. Go to the download link given at the end of the post and grab the driver appropriate for your PC’s OS.
  1. Switch off your mobile.
  2. Press and hold the Volume down button, combined with the Power button. This should put your device n boot loader mode.
  3. Connect your device to the PC via USB cable. This will open up your phone in USB mode.
  4. Now go to the ROM file you downloaded to your PC. Unzip it.
  5. Run the exe file the unzipped archive will give you.
  6. Update your device as requested.
  7. All that’s left to do now is to set up your ROM the way you want as the previous step will automatically flash it to your phone.
Flash Custom Windows Phone 7 ROMs To Your HTC 7 Mozart


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