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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Walk Me To My Car v2.4.2

Walk Me To My Car v2.4.2

Walk Me To My Car v2.4.2

Requirements: iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, and iPhone 4. Requires iOS 4.1 or later.
Overview: After shopping, watching a nice game or attending classes suddenly you realize that you do not remember where you parked your car. The answer is Walk Me to My Car app from Mobility.

Walk Me To My Car v2.4.2
After shopping, watching a nice game or attending classes suddenly you realize that you do not remember where you parked your car. The answer is Walk Me to My Car app from Mobility.

After parking, just tap the Pin Car button to record your car location in the parking lot. As soon as you are done and want to find your car tap the button Walk Me and voilĂ ! You will be directed to your car. The phone will vibrate and alert you when your car is in sight. The app is designed for open parking lots, not indoor garages.

The app uses the iPhone 3GS compass but also works on the 3G. In older models, without GPS, the accuracy is not sufficient. There is an accuracy indicator: green, yellow and red. If it is red you should not use the app. When you are outside, it takes one or two seconds to achieve the best possible accuracy. GPS accuracy varies with landscape characteristics, geographical location and weather conditions.

After pinning your car you can adjust its location by touching and dragging the green beetle. You might use this resource if the accuracy indicator is yellow and there is a visible difference between the blue pin current location indicator and your car real position as seen on the screen. On your way back to the car the accuracy should improve along the way. So you can start walking to your car even if the accuracy indicator is yellow. Enjoy.
                                                                                   Walk Me To My Car v2.4.2


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