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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Smooth YouTube Downloader v2.0

Smooth YouTube Downloader v2.0

Requirements: PPC WM5 , WM6 - NET CF3.5
Overview: basically it allows you to search and download videos from YouTube in different formats and qualities, including MP3.

Smooth YouTube Downloader v2.0
Shows thumbnails in the search results.
Ability to download multiple videos at the same time.
Ability to pause/resume downloads after you exit and run the application again.
A very nice UI and cool transitions between different screens of the app.
Ability to expand search results.
Ability to choose video format/quality including mp3.
Improved QVGA screens support.
Ability to switch between full screen and normal mode.
Ability to copy download URL.
Supports keeping the device awake while downloads are running, so the WiFi connection is not lost.
Supports installing extensions to support any other video site.
Supports Themes.
Supports Searching/Downloading from
Supports Searching/Downloading from
Open YouTube videos with CorePlayer, TCPMP or any other application you specify.
Ability to Shorten URLs on Copy/Open (for using with CorePlayer which doesn't support long URLs)
Advanced Hidden Settings:
Some settings cannot be set in the UI, so you can get to those settings by editing the XML file created in the Application directory, after saving settings of the application for the first time.
To understand the options available, read the fileSYTDSettings_SAMPLE.xml which you can find in the application installation directory.Smooth YouTube Downloader v2.0
ONLY for CorePlayer Users: To Shorten URLs on Copy/Open, download the zip file found  download below , and copy the file "WassimK.URLY.dll" to the directory specified inSYTDSettings.xml
This is an example of settings you can specify:
<DefaultFormat>360p MP4</DefaultFormat>
<OpenWithFileName>\Program Files\TCPMP\Player.exe</OpenWithFileName>

UR.LY for Windows Mobile (ONLY for CorePlayer Users)



Mirror 1  

Smooth YouTube Downloader v2.0



Mirror 1 

Mirror 2

Mirror 3

Mirror 4 

Mirror 5


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