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Monday, November 28, 2011

Bookmark Sort & Backup v2.32

Bookmark Sort & Backup v2.32
Bookmark Sort & Backup v2.32 apk
Requirements: Android 1.6+
Overview: This application sorts, backs up and restores your browser bookmarks to and from your SD card.

Bookmark Sort & Backup v2.32This application can sort, backup and restore your browser bookmarks.
To move a bookmark, select it and tap the up or down arrow. A long press on the arrow sends it to the top or the bottom.
A long press on the bookmark itself shows more options.
Tap the icon to open the web page in the browser.
On Android 3.0/Honeycomb: to open a folder, tap its icon. Use the "back" button to go back to the parent folder.
Uses the HTML format from Internet Explorer or Firefox for both backup and restore.
Warning: on Android 3.x/Honeycomb, do not use this application if the Google Chrome bookmark synchronization is activated.
Recent changes:
Motorola Xoom 3.2.1 experimental support.
Free Bookmark Sort & Backup v2.32 apk


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