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Saturday, December 31, 2011

iScanner v1.0

iScanner v1.0
iScanner v1.0 apk
Requirements: Android 1.6+
Overview: iScanner! The portable police/fire/EMS scanner to take with you anywhere you go!

iScanner v1.0
iScanner! The portable police/fire/EMS scanner to take with you anywhere you go!
iScanner allows you to bring a portable police / fire / EMS scanner with you wherever you go. Listen to all your favorite scanner feeds from across the United States from a single application. iScanner lets you hear feeds from police departments, fire departments, emergency medical response teams, air traffic control, severe weather reports, even the NASA shuttle launch feeds! Over 4700 individual feeds are included, clearly indexed by state / county or by category. Many, many more feeds to come!
iScanner v1.0 apk
* Listen to scanner feeds on your Android device
* Over 4700 scanner feeds available from across the USA
* Easily locate scanners by state, county / metro, or by category
* Create / edit a list of your favorite scanners for easy access
* Categories include police, fire, EMS, air traffic control, amateur radio clubs, maritime, railroad, severe weather, and NASA shuttle launches.
Here is a sample of the scanner feeds included:
Los Angeles, CA - Police (LAPD), Fire, and EMS
Denver, CO - Police, Fire, EMS, Denver International Airport
Miami-Dade, FL - Police, Fire Rescue, Miami International Airport (MIA)
Chicago, IL - Police, Fire, and EMS
Philadelphia, PA - Police and Fire
New York, NY - NYPD (including Special Operations), NYFD, EMS,
Portland, OR - Fire and EMS
Richmond, VA - Police, Fire, EMS
A complete list of available scanner feeds can be found here (Excel spreadsheet): ... ealist.xls
If you are looking for a specific location that is not on the list, please let us know. If a feed is available for that location, we will add it to the app! Just send an email to:
PLEASE NOTE: The actual scanner feeds are hosted by the indicated agencies or by individuals that wish to provide a scanner to the internet. None of the feeds are owned or operated by Fusion Mobile Solutions. As such, some feeds may go offline temporarily for maintenance, or even permanently. Fusion Mobile Solutions has no control over feed availability, but we work hard to ensure that our database of feeds is as up to date as possible to provide you with the best scanner coverage we can.
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Free iScanner v1.0 apk


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