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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Copy Paste It v4.05

Copy Paste It v4.05
Copy Paste It v4.05 apk
Requirements: Android OS 1.5+
Overview: Copy text from ANY screen to your clipboard. Then, paste it into any text box.

Copy Paste It v4.05
*May require a rooted phone (depends on phone)*
Copy text from ANY screen to your clipboard. Then, paste it into any text box by long-pressing on it.
Use this to have copy paste functionality from ANY app or screen!
- Copy text to clipboard using on-board or networked OCR recognition.
- Copy to clipboard by shaking phone.
- Copy to clppboard by long-pressing on search button
- Support for many different languages.
What's in this version:
Copy Paste It v4.05 apk
Distortion fix for Motorola Razr and Bionic users
Bug fixes
Added overlay button on display. Press this button to copy text.
Free Copy Paste It v4.05 apk


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