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Saturday, December 31, 2011

MSN Messenger: Mercury Donate v1.4.1 apk

MSN Messenger: Mercury Donate v1.4.1
MSN Messenger: Mercury Donate v1.4.1 apk
Requirements: Android OS 1.6+
Overview: MSN (Windows Live Messenger or WLM) client with file transfer, voice clips etc..

MSN Messenger: Mercury Donate v1.4.1
- MSN / WLM Features:
MSN Messenger: Mercury Donate v1.4.1 apk
File transfer
Voice clips
Group chat
Invisible signin
Multiple MSN accounts
Logging to sdcard
Offline messaging
Show current song (MSN Now playing)
Improved Launcher (Widget)
Fling (or swipe) between contact lists and conversations
Events notification (message received, contact signed in)
Notifications: status bar, vibrate, audio, led
Chat with your MSN and Yahoo contacts
- Other Features:
No Ads (Donate only)
Multiple languages (22 so far)
Start on phone boot
Very stable and regular updates
What's in this version:
MSN Messenger: Mercury Donate v1.4.1 apk
Improved performance of conversations
Improved the time 'sending contact list' takes for large contact lists
Improved searching in a contact list
Free MSN Messenger: Mercury Donate v1.4.1 apk


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