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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

AutomateIt Pro v2.19.4

AutomateIt Pro v2.19.4
AutomateIt Pro v2.19.4 apk
Requirements: 2.2 and up
Overview: The advanced features included in this version are:

AutomateIt Pro v2.19.4
* Composite Triggers - use more than a single trigger for each rule using AND/OR logic between these triggers
* Composite Action - execute several actions as a result of a single trigger (which can be a composite trigger)
* Rule Active Period - set an active period for each rule. Really useful if you only want a certain rule to be active only during daytime, weekends, just an hour a day etc.
* Sensor Trigger - utilize all your device' sensors as a trigger for a desired action. This includes usage of all the sensors supported by Android - Accelerometer, Light, Proximity etc.
* Calendar Trigger - monitor events on your different calendars
* Enable/Disable Screen Lock Action - Enables or disables your screen lock slide/pattern/password/pin
* Cancel delayed execution by trigger - Auto-cancel delayed execution when defined trigger is launched
Visit the developer's website for user guide for these new features.
If you are upgrading from the free version, follow these simple steps for an easy upgrade:
Backup your existing rules from the main screen menu
Uninstall AutomateIt free version
Install AutomateIt Pro
Restore your backed-up rules
Currently supports English, German, Spanish, Hebrew, Polish, Danish, French and Russian.
Note: Some features might require root - see description of free version or visit developer's website.
Update records · · ·
Oct 22, 2011 v2.19.4
What's in this version:
[Language support] Visit
[Update] Composite AND Trigger allows using multiple triggers of same type
[Language Update] Added Russian, German, Polish and Danish
[Honeycomb support - BETA]
[New Feature - Pro only] Cancel delayed execution by trigger
[Bug Fixes] Select Application, Send SMS With location, Boot Trigger, Call State/Outgoing Call Triggers
AutomateIt Pro v2.19.4 apk
[Language Update] Added French support
[Bug Fixes]
Free AutomateIt Pro v2.19.4 apk


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