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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Fujitsu to unveil ICS smartphone with quad core Tegra 3 at CES

Fujitsu to unveil ICS smartphone with quad core Tegra 3 at CES

Fujitsu to unveil ICS smartphone with quad core Tegra 3 at CES

A leaflet that was distributed to journalists at the start of this year's CES suggests that Fujitsu might have a real beast in store for us. According to it the Japanese will have a new Ultra High-spec Android smartphone with the quad-core Tegra 3 chip inside at their booth.
The smartphone, which runs Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, is yet to be announced, but we guess that will happen in the following few days.

Fujitsu have also got in store the world's thinnest water-resistant smartphone at 6.7mm, a Windows Phone water-resistant smartphone, LTE water-resistant tablet and smartphone and more.
We'll be in eager wait for more information on the matter and will report as soon as something breaks loose. And we'd certainly be keeping an eye on the Fujitsu booth tomorrow.


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