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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

BlackBerry 7.1 OS out now brings Wi-Fi hotspot and calls

BlackBerry 7.1 OS out now brings Wi-Fi hotspot and calls

BlackBerry 7.1 OS out now brings Wi-Fi hotspot and calls

RIM has just released an update for its lineup of BlackBerry 7 OS-running smartphones. Version 7.1 brings a few new features and updates a few of the native Blackberry apps.

The new features are:
  • Mobile Hotspot - up to five devices supported at once
  • Wi-Fi calls - does not use minutes of your plan
  • BlackBerry NFC Tag - easy accessory paring, BBM invitations, exchanging info and multimedia
  • Autosuggestions within the Universal Search
  • FM radio support and app
The updated apps are the BlackBerry Messenger 6.1, BlackBerry Traffic, BlackBerry Maps and BlackBerry Travel.
BlackBerry 7.1 OS out now brings Wi-Fi hotspot and calls


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