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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Samsung drops plans to release Value Pack for Galaxy S

Samsung drops plans to release Value Pack for Galaxy S

Samsung drops plans to release Value Pack for Galaxy S

Samsung  Galaxy S users waiting for the Value Pack from Samsung are in for a disappointment. A company spokesperson has just confirmed that Samsung has dropped the plans to release the update.

As you may know, Samsung initially declined upgrading the popular Galaxy S smartphone to ICS last year, stating the lack of space on the phone as the reason. Later on they said that they will look into it, only to come back a while later and say that it's not going to happen after all. They did, however,promise a "Value Pack", which was supposed to add some useful features to the Galaxy S, found in ICS.
But now, even that's not going to happen. Once again, Samsung claims that the hardware is not capable of running the new software while staying clear of making any more promises that they cannot keep. So it seems that the Galaxy S users are going to be stuck on Gingerbread for the rest of their lives, assuming they stick to the official channel.


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