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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Car Conductor Traffic Control v1.1.5

Car Conductor Traffic Control v1.1.5

Car Conductor Traffic Control v1.1.5 

Overview:  Are you a good traffic conductor?
Traffic rush hour is coming. It's your time to be a good traffic conductor! 

Your mission is to guide cars to the right lane to reach destination safely. Drag cars to switch lane, and tap on cars to stop/resume moving. Watch out road block in some places!
Great graphcis, audio, and also coming along with many themes:
* Beach
* Town
* City
* Village
* Dessert
* Glacier
Game modes:
* Classic -- Guide cars to destination in limited time.
* Challenge -- Score as many as possible in 3 minutes. You have to finish classic mode with full stars to unlock challenge mode.

Car Conductor Traffic Control v1.1.5 (Freeware)


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