N64 Player v1.0.2 Ad-Free apk
Requirements: Android 1.6+
Overview: N64 Player is the most advanced N64 emulator optimized for Android. It is a port of Mupen64plus.
Requirements: Android 1.6+
Overview: N64 Player is the most advanced N64 emulator optimized for Android. It is a port of Mupen64plus.

N64 Player is the most advanced N64 emulator optimized for Android. It is a port of Mupen64plus. It doesn't include any games, so you need to have your own games to play.
* Run most games smoothly at a reasonable speed with sound. This requires you have a high-end device (Nexus-S, Galaxy-S, Xoom, etc).
* Best game compatibility compared to all other N64 emulators on mobile devices.
* Save/load game states at ANY points, as well as in-game save support.
* A configurable, translucent on-screen keypad that is very easy to use.
- Mupen64plus team
- Paul
- yongzh
N64 Player v1.0.2 Ad-Free apk
This product is not affiliated with, nor authorized, endorsed or licensed in any way by Nintendo Corporation, its affiliates or subsidiaries. All trademarks are property of their respective holders. All individual games screen shots or audio that are simulated by N64 Player are property of their respective copyright holders and are only used for the purpose of informing the customer of the software's functionality.
Source code can be found on: http://fp.io/86cdb43e/. It's liscend by GPL.
* Run most games smoothly at a reasonable speed with sound. This requires you have a high-end device (Nexus-S, Galaxy-S, Xoom, etc).
* Best game compatibility compared to all other N64 emulators on mobile devices.
* Save/load game states at ANY points, as well as in-game save support.
* A configurable, translucent on-screen keypad that is very easy to use.
- Mupen64plus team
- Paul
- yongzh
N64 Player v1.0.2 Ad-Free apk
This product is not affiliated with, nor authorized, endorsed or licensed in any way by Nintendo Corporation, its affiliates or subsidiaries. All trademarks are property of their respective holders. All individual games screen shots or audio that are simulated by N64 Player are property of their respective copyright holders and are only used for the purpose of informing the customer of the software's functionality.
Source code can be found on: http://fp.io/86cdb43e/. It's liscend by GPL.
Free N64 Player v1.0.2 Ad-Free apk
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