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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Carcassonne v2.30 iphone game ipa download

iPhone Screenshot 1
Carcassonne v2.30
Overview: Play the original award winning board game Carcassonne with friends, family, or other board game enthusiasts - online or offline. Build a medieval landscape, tile by tile, claim landmarks with your followers and score points. As a winner of the prestigious "Spiel des Jahres" award in 2001, the game allows for a plethora of play styles and strategies. If you like social gaming or board games you will love Carcassonne! 
iPhone Screenshot 3
Famous boardgame and great iOS experience.
"iPhone Game of the Year", iTunes Rewind Germany.
"The single best board game experience in the App Store", gamezebo
"Carcassonne does just about everything right on the iPhone", ars technica
"It is quite simply one of the most polished games on the platform",
"There's nothing like a sneaky farmer to push you across the winning line", Edge Magazine
"Beautiful and intuitive", joystiq
"Carcassonne is as good as it gets", EGM

Carcassonne v2.30 iphone game ipa download
• Official Carcassonne game with original artwork
• Full Retina Display support on iPhone 4
• Universal App - Buy once, play on iPad and iPhone
• 9 different AI players: (Hans, Count, Countess, Maid, Servant, Juggler, Fortune Teller, Witch and Warlock)
• Push Notifications
• Local network play
• Unique Solitaire mode
• Online and offline ranking
• Comprehensive in-game manual
• Tutorials with voice acting
• Compete for the best score in Solitaire Game of the Week
• Chat function for Internet and local network games
• Play with Game Center friends
• Game Center Achievements

What about Expansions?

We will be making them avail­able as in-app-purchases. It takes us a while, but the wait will be worth it. Coming up first are two most requested ones: "Inns and Cathedrals" and "The River II".

Can I play asynchronously?

Yes. In "Play with Friends" you can leave the app and will be notified when it's your turn again. No pressure though, unlike "Quick Play" there are no time limits.

Can I play against my familiy or friends by passing the device around?

Yes, of course. Up to five players can play on the same device.

What's new
• Fixed issue where unlocked Game Center Achievements weren't reported to Game Center. (Will submit unlocked achievements retroactively.)
• Fixed crash on iPad that could occure when pressing the tile overview
• Fixed crash on opening chats with iOS 4.1 and below
• Fixed layout issue with long names in resume game view on iPhone/iPod Touch
• Fixed issue where account could be temporarily removed if Game Center had network issues

• Improved feedback on first run with game center support
• Improved feedback for receiving moves on iOS 3.x
• Improved "Max ELO" Game Center Leaderboard reporting

Free Carcassonne v2.30 iphone game ipa download


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