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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

MortPlayer Music (beta) v0.9.9e android apk download

MortPlayer Music (beta) v0.9.9e
Requirements: ANDROID:1.5 and up
Overview: Simple to use folder based music player with lots of features

- Folder based navigation
- Configurable main directory (e.g. all files below "/sdcard/music" or "/sdcard/audiobooks", individual for each player)
- Playlist support: Reads m3u, m3u8, pls, and asx; writes m3u and m3u8; allows adding files outside of main directory; easy access to playlists in main folder and subdirectories
- Ignores .nomedia (you set the directory, should be fine - right?)
- Reads ID3 tags itself (usually less buggy than Android's media library)
- Album art support: ID3 tags (jpg+png, types "other" and "front cover"), AlbumArt.jpg/png, cover.jpg/png, folder.jpg
- Plays all media types supported by core Android (MP3, Ogg Vorbis, M4A, 3GP, MIDI, Wave) and some device specific (WMA, FLAC), but only on devices which support them
- Easy folder/file selection by tapping cover resp. tag info
- Set the track order for each folder
- Flexible play, shuffle, and repeat modes (stop after track, repeat folder, shuffle files per folder, shuffle all files, ...)
- Supports headset buttons and OpenWatch
- Pause/continue on headset removal/plug and calls
- Sleep mode (stop playback, power off not allowed by Android system)
- Alarm clock
- Swipe gestures
- Selectable layouts (so far only default, car, and big cover) and themes
- Selectable backgrounds (theme color, own images, or wallpapers - even Live Wallpapers)
- Delete and send files
- Supports ScrobbleDroid and Simple Scrobbler (both interfaces also supported by many other scrobblers, like the official app)
- Supports equalizer, bass boost, and reverb on devices with Android 2.3
- and some more, just check the preferences...

MortPlayer Audio Books:
Special media player for audio books. Separate folders, save+restore position for every track, bookmarks, ...

MortPlayer Widgets:
Home Screen Widgets for MortPlayer Music and Audio Books.

What's New:
Trying to work around bugs with audio effects in some devices, which was the result of the workaround of another manufacturer's bugs...

Free MortPlayer Music (beta) v0.9.9e android apk download


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