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Sunday, July 24, 2011

DroidWall v1.5.2 android apk

DroidWall v1.5.2
DroidWall v1.5.2 android apk
Requirements: Android 1.5+
Overview: DroidWall allows you to restrict which applications are permitted to access your data networks.

DroidWall v1.5.2DroidWall - Android Firewall is a front-end application for the powerful iptables Linux firewall. It allows you to restrict which applications are permitted to access your data networks.
This is the perfect solution if you don't have an unlimited data plan, or just wants to see your battery lasting longer.
After installing, press menu and click Help for an explanation on how to use it.
Recent Changes:
· Fixed "Exit code: -1" errors!
· Compatibility fixes for some devices.
· New iptables 1.4.10 binary, compiled using Android NDKr6 and with support for almost all iptables targets.
· Updated translations for Russian, Italian and French.
Free DroidWall v1.5.2 apk


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