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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hive Player v1.0.2 android apk

Hive Player v1.0.2
Hive Player v1.0.2 android apk
Requirements: Android 3.0
Overview: Hive Player is a music player optimized for Honeycomb tablets. It supports many of the features of the built in player but also includes a few things that have been lacking in most players across Android versions.

Hive Player v1.0.2
-Scrollable widget with music collection navigation (Albums,Artists,All Songs,Playlists,Genres), shuffle, pause/play next and previous.
-Widget and Player sync with each other - view an album in the widget, then in the player the same album is loaded. Every navigation and song play is synced to each other - even when only the widget or player is running, load the other and it will sync on startup.
-Play and navigate music library using just the widget - player doesn't even need to be loaded or running.
-Navigate back through navigation steps using back button on player or widget - uses the standard Android back button on Honeycomb.
-Albums,Artists,All Songs,Playlists,Genres are displayed on the left and player controls on the right.
-Multi-Select playlist additions - build a playlist as it should be done, not one song at a time - add multiple albums, artists, genres, songs and even current playlists to a playlist.
-Duplicates are filtered out when adding to playlists.
-Search with playlist additions - search and keep searching as you build the ultimate playlist. Search appears over player.
Google Music / Music Beta support will be added in the future. Currently Google is not allowing or releasing details to developers to put Music Beta functionality into their music players. Once Google releases these details I will add Google Music support to Hive Player.
Amazon music streaming service is also planned, depending on how Amazon is supporting third party developers access to their service as well.
Free Hive Player v1.0.2 apk


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